
The Afterlife Commune - FAIL

For a year, I enjoyed participation in Roberta Grimes afterlifeforums.com expressing my POV on all things spirit and the extraterrestrials. Then things changed.

If you suggest, simply suggest, that spirit only knows the spirit realm, all afterlife Hell breaks loose. It doesn't matter that spirit has conclusively proclaimed over and over again, relentlessly, they are bound to the confines of their world just as we are bound to the confines of this physical dream/reality. The Victor "Dammit" Zammits go bonkers, the afterlife communes prickle and rally as if they are sorority/fraternity sisters/brothers with a drink in one hand and a rubber in the other.

It gets better/worse. If you suggest, simply suggest, that extraterrestrials are real, in communication with us Earthlings, for three decades plus, gaskets blow, afterlife proponents' dogs and cats sleep together and their precious spirit-is-ALL-knowing paradigm is severely threatened. O-M-G. All 100 of their conference attendees might abandon their 'conference', and I quote " "major populace changing event".

The afterlife commune is stuck. So few are paying attention to them they have become a non-factor primarily because they have nothing new to say. Spirit communications with incarnates (us alive on this planet) are old, stale news. Mediumship between incarnates and discarnates (spirit) has been accurately recorded for over 150 years. Been there, done that, Google makes these attempts to arrange conference MeetUps @ $200 per whack essentially useless.

Instead of stooping to think, hmmm, what's the problem here? they blunder on and wonder why they fail in getting the attention of 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of humanity.

The afterlife commune is missing the opportunity of an [after]lifetime. They could be embracing the reality of the ET communicators, the multitude of messages coming from ET instead we hear that researching these communicators is not any priority whatsoever aka "have no time to do so" or other such head-boxed in garbage. I understand why they refuse, its a matter of ego-survival; the personal consequences would be potentially devastating. They would no longer be the stars of their own stage.

The stars of the stars would be.


Vibrational Adjustments Are On Our Side – Dump Their Garbage

The present vibrational changes we’re experiencing are utterly fresh, as are each of us by the minute, hour and day. However, recollecting aged imprints can delicately underpin our sense of attachment to those earlier limiting perceptions. Comparing who you are in relation to a previous set point will only let us see so far. This is nothing like apples and oranges when it comes to perception shifts. They just don’t compare to dimensional differences. 

That’s why letting go, or detaching, is so important especially when we consider antiquated and tedious belief systems. Changing our surroundings can significantly support this process, as well as jettisoning objects and other influences that “re-mind” us of those limiting emotional patterns. The less programming we’re exposed to the better. 

It’s not easy as they work on our subconscious level by information and sensory overkill including a unyielding bombardment of programmed information via advertising, logos, dogma, trigger phrases and encoded number sequences. What we can’t process gets dumped into the subconscious and parks there awaiting activation. Very seditious stuff. 

A solution is to switch it all off and get as far away from it as possible, another good reason to haul tail out of cities and evade the mass media like the plague. 

These memory reference points are psychically embedded in emotions and memory clusters. It’s very similar to the crystalline knots a massage therapist works out of muscle tissue that then have to be flushed from the system.

A second analogy would be a rock climber who won’t fully let go of his gear attached to the lower rungs as he ascends. He’ll only go so far. As you go higher your perspective shifts phenomenally, but he won’t get to those truly inspiring views if he won’t let go of those lower footholds that got him started.

As with all things, yin-yang, +/-, memory can be an anchor as well as a guide.

Waller On Survival Of Biological - Evidence and Proof 

The Old Testament Baby and The Bathwater

I love Fridays for a lot of reasons. I eat meat because I was forced to choke down salmon croquettes for countless Fish Only on Fridays @ St. Mary Ever A Virgin grade school. I get to pick apart Victor "Dammit" Zammit. The "Dammit" comes from a recording that Zammit has on his website from his attendance in a David Thompson seance. Blame spirit, not me, it was their phrasing.
 In his "Weekly Afterlife Report", "Dammit" has decided to call for the eradication of the entire Old Testament, baby, bathwater and bathtub. His logic, or lack thereof, goes like this.

"We had a big debate and concluded...the Old Testament is irrelevant, useless and completely unnecessary. It consists of books whose origin and authors are unknown. It's about historical and or mythical events of thousands of years ago which have no meaning for modern life...The material in Genesis, Deuteronomy and the other books of the Old Testament does not come up to a minimal acceptable spiritual standard. You cannot have a major section of the Bible where the writers make out that God has a lower standard of morality than a spiritually advanced human being! It's a gross insult to our intelligence. Time for Christian Churches to completely remove the Old Testament."

wow - speaking of tall pulpits. I guess the Jews get to keep the OT as a I hear a faint sigh of relief from the Hasidics.

There are hundreds of reasons to preserve the OT but in keeping with the tone of this blog, one very good one is the link that is becoming more and more evident that there is some connection, yet to be clarified, between the beginning of Homo Sapiens and the OT...and the Sumerian cuneiform texts and several others of Vedic origin. Specifically the concept of
is the genetic manipulation of the Neanderthal which resulted in the acceleration of Man from beast to human. In less than three generations.

Who, not what, did this? It could not be a possible aberration of Nature.

I don't think Vic sees the bigger picture. I would send him an email and apprise him but he never has ever answered one of dozens. Maybe I'm in his message filters to "Send To Trash".  Perhaps that is where the one landed that asked for a clarification of how Zammit could repeatedly bellow on about being an "eternal being" yet include this in his book.

"Let me ask a direct question: what if it is true that life goes on and on for a long, long time – maybe for thousands of years."

Maybe? Only a few thousand? New definitions of "eternal"?

Zammit's overly enthusiastic anti-religion stance is typical head down, eyes to the ground Zammit. He can't see the trees for his forest. Now that he has exposed himself as myopic on this subject, should we call for the eradication of Zammit's weekly newsrag, website and all?

If you read and interpret the OT as being only about the Hebrews monotheism, consider this from a Spiritualistic view.

"Another view of the OT is that it is full of stories of psychic happenings which the narrators attribute to the psychic gifts of mediums in conjunction with the supernormal power of the spirit world. One book which takes this view is "When prophets spoke: Spiritualism in the Old Testament," by the Rev. G. Maurice Elliott. This interpretation of the various stories makes very good sense to me from reading the Bible. Perhaps the Hebrew tribes did create a God in their own image and culture, partly using psychic knowledge, which would account for the cruelty and wars they were involved in." ~ Norman Hutt 

If you read and interpret the OT as being about GOD instead of "gods" and remove the possibility that it is a mythology about alien intervention, then you come away with the pinpoint synopsis that most everyone has of it. From where did that viewpoint arise?

Man-made dogmatic belief systems. The same POV that Zammit is so adamant about disparaging. It can be noted that even the most arduos of disparagers suffers from his own belief system baggage.

As long as anyone is influenced only by the interpretations of the OT that have been brainwashed into the minds of most Christian, ex-Christian, Jewish and ex-Jewish, the only possible result of that indoctrination is either the blindered points of view of literal translation or the eradication mentality. Two sides of a bad penny.
Fine. Each has their own journey.
But to disregard the plain and simple fact, that people, for whatever reasons, have chosen to esteem the OT, is knee-jerk silliness. That fact of its acceptance alone is good enough reason to leave it be.

Just get the right translations if you can.

Waller On Survival Evidence


NASA...Clue Up

Launching probes to Mars is not for the faint of heart. Out of the 40 spacecraft dispatched to the Red Planet, only 14 lived to fulfill their missions. Of those 14, only a few have completed their missions. 

The United States has fared far better than Russia when it comes to Mars exploration. Out of 19 attempted missions, Russia and the former Soviet Union have had only a few partial successes. Launch failures claimed nearly half of Russia's probes. Other spacecraft sailed blindly past Mars or burned up in the planet's atmosphere during landing attempts. Newcomers Japan and China have fared no better. Only Europe, which operates the Mars Express orbiter, has had beginner's luck on Mars.

Now we see this.

NASA Defends Mars Rover Curiosity Science Plan

Here's a clue for ya'll.

It may be that many individuals within NASA's and similar organizations are still not completely aware that the basic criteria that will allow them to have their probes in, at, on or near Mars is to begin sharing information with the people.  Many of them may not necessarily realize that they have to begin being truthful that there are extraterrestrial beings that do exist, and this is ET's way of, shall we say, breaking the news slowly. The ET's are playing their part “casting their vote”, we need to acknowledge this publicly and profusely. 

It is their wish that the requisite ET information not necessarily be gleaned to its fullest extent until such time as we are willing to accept that which is being suppressed. However, suppressed information will never lead to the required uplifting of the collective, global consciousness and the message that NASA et al is getting is perfectly clear.

It's time to fess up.

A few of these space and science pioneers do recognize and realize exactly what is going on. Many of our people are quite smart and they know that after dozens of probes being shut down that it is a statement and a message that they would not be allowed to voyage without severe hindrance until they are forthcoming some of the information that they have kept from people on Earth. 

Don't believe me? No problem, fetch a few of your most credible ET channelers and simply listen in.


Garbage In, Garbage Out

In a recently published article by Everton de Oliveira Maraldi entitled “Medium or Author? A Preliminary Model Relating Dissociation, Paranormal Belief Systems and Self-Esteem” (Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 2014, 78, 1-24), Maraldi bemuses about eleven (11) mediums and their unsubstantiated dissociative disorders. Quoting, "In dissociative experiences, the individual believes that something or someone is acting through him, controlling his movements, when in fact he is the agent itself."

The paragraph which grabbed attention was this one; to wit, or lack thereof...

"...mediums can serve as intermediaries for several painters and writers from beyond, and if they do not see themselves as having any valuable talent, they can, at least, offer their minds and bodies to these higher spiritual forces. The process of mediation between the living and the dead is thus more than a religious practice: it seems to allow certain contact with previously unknown talents or facets of an individual."

Let's translate. Physical mediums may communicate with the biologically dead, or may not, but the phenomena that results is far from being spirit-based.


Do psychical pseudo-researchers ever pick up and read one of thousands of books, articles and other written and recorded material about physical mediums before they launch these ridiculous assertions? Maraldi certainly did not and this garbage passed peer review too.

Maraldi's style of slithery materialistic nonsense disguised as (pseudo) science is all too common. If I gave much of a damn, this blogpost would be longer.

Waller On Survival Evidence