
NASA...Clue Up

Launching probes to Mars is not for the faint of heart. Out of the 40 spacecraft dispatched to the Red Planet, only 14 lived to fulfill their missions. Of those 14, only a few have completed their missions. 

The United States has fared far better than Russia when it comes to Mars exploration. Out of 19 attempted missions, Russia and the former Soviet Union have had only a few partial successes. Launch failures claimed nearly half of Russia's probes. Other spacecraft sailed blindly past Mars or burned up in the planet's atmosphere during landing attempts. Newcomers Japan and China have fared no better. Only Europe, which operates the Mars Express orbiter, has had beginner's luck on Mars.

Now we see this.

NASA Defends Mars Rover Curiosity Science Plan

Here's a clue for ya'll.

It may be that many individuals within NASA's and similar organizations are still not completely aware that the basic criteria that will allow them to have their probes in, at, on or near Mars is to begin sharing information with the people.  Many of them may not necessarily realize that they have to begin being truthful that there are extraterrestrial beings that do exist, and this is ET's way of, shall we say, breaking the news slowly. The ET's are playing their part “casting their vote”, we need to acknowledge this publicly and profusely. 

It is their wish that the requisite ET information not necessarily be gleaned to its fullest extent until such time as we are willing to accept that which is being suppressed. However, suppressed information will never lead to the required uplifting of the collective, global consciousness and the message that NASA et al is getting is perfectly clear.

It's time to fess up.

A few of these space and science pioneers do recognize and realize exactly what is going on. Many of our people are quite smart and they know that after dozens of probes being shut down that it is a statement and a message that they would not be allowed to voyage without severe hindrance until they are forthcoming some of the information that they have kept from people on Earth. 

Don't believe me? No problem, fetch a few of your most credible ET channelers and simply listen in.