The present vibrational changes we’re experiencing are utterly fresh, as are each of us by the minute, hour and day. However, recollecting aged imprints can delicately underpin our sense of attachment to those earlier limiting perceptions. Comparing who you are in relation to a previous set point will only let us see so far. This is nothing like apples and oranges when it comes to perception shifts. They just don’t compare to dimensional differences.
That’s why letting go, or detaching, is so important especially when we consider antiquated and tedious belief systems. Changing our surroundings can significantly support this process, as well as jettisoning objects and other influences that “re-mind” us of those limiting emotional patterns. The less programming we’re exposed to the better.
It’s not easy as they work on our subconscious level by information and sensory overkill including a unyielding bombardment of programmed information via advertising, logos, dogma, trigger phrases and encoded number sequences. What we can’t process gets dumped into the subconscious and parks there awaiting activation. Very seditious stuff.
A solution is to switch it all off and get as far away from it as possible, another good reason to haul tail out of cities and evade the mass media like the plague.
These memory reference points are psychically embedded in emotions and memory clusters. It’s very similar to the crystalline knots a massage therapist works out of muscle tissue that then have to be flushed from the system.
A second analogy would be a rock climber who won’t fully let go of his gear attached to the lower rungs as he ascends. He’ll only go so far. As you go higher your perspective shifts phenomenally, but he won’t get to those truly inspiring views if he won’t let go of those lower footholds that got him started.
As with all things, yin-yang, +/-, memory can be an anchor as well as a guide.
Waller On Survival Of Biological - Evidence and Proof