For a year, I enjoyed participation in Roberta Grimes expressing my POV on all things spirit and the extraterrestrials. Then things changed.
If you suggest, simply suggest, that spirit only knows the spirit realm, all afterlife Hell breaks loose. It doesn't matter that spirit has conclusively proclaimed over and over again, relentlessly, they are bound to the confines of their world just as we are bound to the confines of this physical dream/reality. The Victor "Dammit" Zammits go bonkers, the afterlife communes prickle and rally as if they are sorority/fraternity sisters/brothers with a drink in one hand and a rubber in the other.
It gets better/worse. If you suggest, simply suggest, that extraterrestrials are real, in communication with us Earthlings, for three decades plus, gaskets blow, afterlife proponents' dogs and cats sleep together and their precious spirit-is-ALL-knowing paradigm is severely threatened. O-M-G. All 100 of their conference attendees might abandon their 'conference', and I quote " "major populace changing event".
The afterlife commune is stuck. So few are paying attention to them they have become a non-factor primarily because they have nothing new to say. Spirit communications with incarnates (us alive on this planet) are old, stale news. Mediumship between incarnates and discarnates (spirit) has been accurately recorded for over 150 years. Been there, done that, Google makes these attempts to arrange conference MeetUps @ $200 per whack essentially useless.
Instead of stooping to think, hmmm, what's the problem here? they blunder on and wonder why they fail in getting the attention of 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of humanity.
The afterlife commune is missing the opportunity of an [after]lifetime. They could be embracing the reality of the ET communicators, the multitude of messages coming from ET instead we hear that researching these communicators is not any priority whatsoever aka "have no time to do so" or other such head-boxed in garbage. I understand why they refuse, its a matter of ego-survival; the personal consequences would be potentially devastating. They would no longer be the stars of their own stage.
The stars of the stars would be.